Gothtopia is looking for Fashion Writers


Gothtopia is looking for Fashion Writers !

We are only looking for quality content that matches our criteria.

Gothtopia takes all partnerships very seriously and we look forward to our mutual success and friendships .

Submission Guidelines

  • Posts must be “AT LEAST!” 700+ words long, preferably more.  We only want the best for our readers and posts shorter than this tend to be less helpful.
  • We only accept articles that are written in English at this moment.
  • Articles must be written by you and totally original!  We will be checking ALL submissions for breach of copyright.
  • No bad language
  • We reserve the right to format the submitted article to match the rest of our content and layouts.  This tends to be only correcting spelling & grammar and adding any additional images needed to make the article more visually appealing, though it depends on the individual post.

Giving You Full Credit

If you are successful in submitting an article to us, we will give you full credit at the bottom of your post with a featured ‘bio’.  Here you can include a bit of information about you and your website, as well as links to your Twitter, Facebook and Google+ profiles (with Google Authorship).

Gothtopia takes all partnerships very seriously and we look forward to our mutual success and friendships .

Please contact us if interested: Contact Us


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